Tina’s English Style Beef Rissoles

This is one of our favourite autumn dishes.
Tina’s English Style Beef Rissoles
500 grams beef mince (ground beef)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 medium carrot, finely grated
2 eggs
1 tablespoon Sriracha Sauce
1 Tablespoon Sweet onion sauce (optional)
2 tablespoons BBQ sauce of your choosing (I used homemade)
2 tablespoons homemade tomato ketchup
1 teaspoon prepared Hot English Mustard
1 teaspoon Poupon (Dijon Mustard)
¼ teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
½ cup dry coarse multigrain breadcrumbs, or rolled oats (any
breadcrumb will do)
Fine breadcrumbs to coat
Place all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well to
combine thoroughly.
Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour to allow the
flavours to meld.
Form into patties.
And coat with fine breadcrumbs.
Cook gently in a little oil until golden brown.
About 4 – 5 minutes and then turn over and brown the other
Today I served these wonderful rissoles with a salad,
pickled beetroots slices and a steamed potato in its jacket. But they are just
as delicious served with mashed potatoes and homemade pan gravy and steamed or
roasted vegetables too.
You can which one is hubby’s plate, right!
These Rissoles are excellent hot or cold.
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