A Really, Really Free Market

Lots of free stuff at Really, Really Free Market in Waroona
After having a discussion with one of the organisers (Lee) a
couple of weeks ago at the last Really, Really Free Market, I gained permission
to post their notices for the market on by blog site here. The market is held every third Saturday of the month.
Waroona is a small Rural town that was once a thriving community
surrounded by farms and farming.
surrounded by farms and farming.
It is a very pleasant drive to this beautiful part of our State and on the way, if you are lucky, you will spot a few Camels grazing in the paddocks.
I would say to anyone close by that they do make the effort
to go along, we now make the 1 hour journey each Market Day and have done for
almost three years now. Take anything that you no longer need as I am sure it
will find a new home very quickly. Over the two hours there is always new stuff
being added to the tables.
I have been to a couple of these markets now and I must say
they are such a breath of fresh air. The atmosphere is extremely friendly with
folks all willing to have a chat or just pass the time over a cup of tea or
coffee. A wonderful Leek and Potato soup has been served both times and there
was a mains dish too. The first time was the best Vegetable Thai Green Chilli I
think I have ever eaten (seriously it was to die for) with steamed rice and
this last time there was a really nice pasta and meat and tomato sauce dish.
And there are always a hoard of wonderful homemade biscuits (cookies for my
American readers). All the food is homemade and a joy to have with such good
All of this is free too I might add. I have been able to
have some wonderful conversations with some of the lovely older folks from the
area and I can honestly say they are all delightful.
So if you have a spare few hours on in the afternoon of the
third Saturday each month then do pop along to the Really, Really Free Market
in Waroona. You just never know what treasures you might come across.
The treasures you take along will not only free up space in
your cupboards, sheds and the like, but could very well be of great help and
joy to the new owners. All around it is a win, win situation and you will have
the chance to meet new friends and have a most pleasant afternoon.
To me this is the utmost in Country Living, great country
hospitality that is becoming such a rare thing these days. This Market gives us
all the chance to slow the pace of our lives down and take time to have a
conversation over a meal or cuppa.
Below is the notification of the meet Market day and how
wonderful to see them celebrating their 4th birthday this year. This truly is a
great achievement for this small country town. It is a real credit to the small
handful of volunteers that run this each and every month. To all of these
wonderful people, I extend a hearty congratulations and a huge “Well Done”.
I don't think we have struck many days that it rained when the market was on. Each time we seem to have woken to beautiful sunrises like this one.
How wonderful it would be to see these little markets
sprouting up everywhere. They are an awesome way of bringing a community
Please leave a comment at the end if you have something
similar to this in your area or would like to have a Really, Really Free Market
in your community.
This year marks our FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Four years of running
monthly markets in Waroona, which we consider a brilliant achievement!
A bit like a garage sale and a bit like a farmers' market -
except that everything is free!
It works like this: If you have anything to give away
(books, clothes, knickknacks, seeds, fruit, plants, toys and so on) you bring
it along to give away.
If you don't have anything to give, come along anyway :)
Then you have a look around at what everyone else has
brought to give, and if you find something you like, you take it home - for
We do ask that if the things you have brought to give don't
all get taken away, that you take the leftover things home with you. There is
only a very small band of volunteers to pack up and clear out the hall after
each market so it is helpful if lots of stuff is not left behind. :)
Local musicians provide entertainment, plus tea, coffee and
lunch is available - for free, of course. Children are very welcome, and there
will be an activity area set up with blocks, play dough and colouring-in to
keep them entertained, as well as a community jigsaw to keep the slightly older
folks busy :)
Please come along! This is a great concept and it needs your
support! And hey, you might find something that you need.
Waroona Memorial Hall
Southwest Highway
Western Australia
1pm - 3pm
Every Third Saturday
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