From The Mouths Of Babes

The innocence of children is an amazing thing and for those of us that have grandchildren they can always manage to bring a smile to our faces. Today I need a smile as I got news last night that a dear friend of mine passed away. Her only son did not marry so therefore she was sadly not blessed with the joy of grandchildren. I know that she would have really appreciated this as she regarded wrinkles as the roadmap of our lives. 

God Bless R.M and R.I.P. You will be sadly missed but we celebrate your life.

It is not how old you are, but how you are old.  --Jules Renard, writer (1864-1910)


            A little girl ran to her Grandfather, 
jumped into his arms and gave him a great big hug. 
Then she ran her fingers along his balding head 
and down the side of his wrinkled face.
"Did god make you Grandad?" she asked.
"Yes honey, he made me." 
She felt her own cheek and then asked 
"Did God make me too?"
"Yes honey he made you too."
"Well" she shrugged 
"Don't you think he's doing a better job now than he used to?"
- Sandi V


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