Herb and Citrus Crusted Fish

Herb and Citrus Crusted Fish
Fish, glorious fish!

All fish, shellfish and seafood is so full of goodness but we all tend to eat far too little of it for our own good. We should all be eating more fish for example to help us get the intake of Omega 3 that our bodies need for good health.

The natural oils in fish are so very good for keeping all our joints well lubricated or oiled like finely tuned machines, especially as we get older. By eating more fish we can reduce the need to buy expensive fish oil capsules.

And trust me fish tastes a whole lot better too!

This amazing looking recipe can across my desk this morning from Marie at www.prouditaliancook.com, and just reading it and looking at the magnificent photographs it is not just a feast to sustain our bodies, but also a great feast for our eyes, mind and soul as well!

You got it in one; this definitely ticks all the boxes for me that is for sure!

Isn’t this photo just absolutely stunning and full of amazingly vibrant colour? It just makes you want to eat it right off your screen doesn’t it? It would make just about the pickiest eater want to just dive in and consume it all.

Photo credit - Marie @ the Proud Italian Cook

My hubby is not much of a fish eater at all. In fact sometimes he just positively hates it, and at times like that I really struggle to get him to eat fish.

When I showed him this blog post Marie had done, he simply said “Wow that really looks like something I would actually eat and I don’t even like fish.”

Well that was the selling ticket for me and what has inspired me to share Marie’s blog post here with you all today.

I decided that if I could get that sort of reaction from my husband just looking at the pictures for this dish, then I am sure others would do the same and want to try the dish at the very least.

Just maybe for those of us that have fish haters in our families, we can finally start to convert them into eating fish.

Now wouldn’t that be a grand thing to do?

I so love pure Italian food. It is so down to earth, wholesome, and healthy and in most cases, Italian dishes are just so simple to prepare. Add to that that they are generally very easy on the pocket, makes them an excellent and healthy choice for people struggling on low incomes.

And let’s face it folks, this situation is not going to get any better nor easier as time goes by.  

More and more people are going to be finding that they have to tighten up their belts even further than they already have, as the cost of food rises further and further out of control.

I get a lot of recipes from time to time crossing my desk either passed on from family and friends, or from blog sites that I frequent from time to time, seeking some sort of enlightened culinary inspiration.

To be honest with you all here, so very few manage to grab my attention as this one has.

The simplistic elegance of this dish is amazing, and so for that reason, but not the only one I might add, I wanted to share it with my readers here also.

Thank you so much Marie, for sharing such a wonderful dish with the world. I hope that by sharing some of what you cook and the elegance that you bring to good wholesome, real food that the word can get out even further, that simple food can be ever so elegant and very tasty.

Everyone, please do share in the comments section below with your favourite way to prepare fish in your kitchen. We would love to hear from you.

Here is a snippet of what is at Marie’s blog along with the link to the original dish, just to be a temptation for you all, and to entice you to go exploring further and start a new culinary journey of your own.

Please do pop along to Marie’s blog there and browse through her wonderful recipes. Allow her to inspire you as she has me, to create your own wonderful culinary masterpieces also.

Cooking is a wonderful journey for us all to embark on which brings with it, many memories and delights to form the great memories that will last us a lifetime.

Please do enjoy!

From the magnificent kitchen at: www.prouditaliancook.com

Here’s a simple and easy way to prepare fish and a great excuse to use up some of those fresh herbs you got growing in your garden. It’s healthy, light, packed with flavour and you can get your dinner on the table in no time!

There’s no exact recipe here, just pick some of your favourite herbs; I used basil, chives and parsley. Chop the herbs up real good, zest a whole lemon and grate one clove of garlic over a micro plane, then mix everything together.


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