Gelatine Flu Shots

The unusual seasonal change here in Australia has brought about an increase in colds and flu like symptoms. Our friends in America and Europe, will soon to be heading into Winter.  Many have already been experiencing colder than normal temperatures for this time of year in some parts.

Again these unseasonal changes tend to bring the cold and flu sniffles and coughs out much sooner than normal.

So there is no better time than now to start dealing with these cold and flu like symptoms and getting on top of them before we get really sick.

Commercial cold and flu preparations are very expensive these days and in reality most do not even work. If you are like me, I used to spend a fortune each winter season on cough syrups, lozenges and goodness knows what else, just trying to find relief for those horrible symptoms. But always to no avail. Nothing seemed to work and all that was happening was my wallet was getting thinner with each visit to the chemist.

I have a few remedies that I have been testing over the last couple of years or so and over the next few weeks I will; endeavour to share these with you all.

In the meantime, these natural based homemade gelatine flu shots made by Laurie Neverman look to be a pretty good place to start and will make medicine taking so much more fun for the children, big and small.

Please use the link provided below to access the full article.

Do you have old homemade remedies that work for you and your family?

Please share your cures in the “Comments” section below so we can help others release themselves from the commercial made product trap and take on the Natural remedies.

Make Your Own Gelatine Flu “Shots”!
by Laurie Neverman | Monday, September 29th, 2014
Photo credit Laurie Neverman
If you’ve been watching the reports about an unusually strong respiratory virus sweeping the U.S. and are looking for more ideas to give your family’s immune system a boost, you may want to give this recipe a try.
Easy, fun and flavourful, these gelatine flu “shots”* are made by infusing immune boosting herbs in finger gelatine (you can eat with your fingers rather than a spoon) made with fruit juice.  Your family will get the necessary immune boosting herbs and vitamins they need to help fight against this season’s colds and flu.
These are not made from the prepackaged gelatine dessert.  The colour comes from fruit and vegetable juices which are thickened with plain gelatine or agar agar can be used if you prefer a vegan alternative.


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