Heating Up Leftovers

When times are tight we definitely do not want to waste those precious leftovers. Here is an excellent tip for enabling us to heat the leftovers up more quickly and save on energy at the same time.

Hey let’s face it electricity costs are nor reducing either, nor will they ever, so every little bit we can save all adds up to bigger savings for the wallet.

Here is a tip on how to heat your leftovers more evenly!

This is so simple.
Picture Source Unknown 
My youngest son when he was a teenager just loved to eat leftovers for breakfast and on the farm he needed the extra energy. Many a time I would go to the refrigerator to get leftovers for the next evening meal only to discover it had totally vanished without an apparent trace.

On the odd occasion where sausages or patties might have once been in the refrigerator I would only discover an empty plate.

Why is it that growing boys and men in particular will leave an empty plate in the refrigerator?

Maybe one of my reader’s has the answer to this age old question.

Please tell us if you have a phantom refrigerator story in the comments section below. We would love to read them.


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