Hints & Tips on Carpet Stain Removal

Photo credit by Daniel Boney
For Synthetic Fibres Only
When anything is spilled on a carpeted surface, removal results are best when the stain is treated immediately, before it dries.
Water sponging over the area will dilute the stain, but be careful not to spread the stain farther. I have given a few examples here of the most common stains that we can get on our carpets, especially when there are children around.
Basic Directions for a few Common Stains

  • Remove as much of the spill as is possible by blotting with white paper towels or scraping with a dull knife. A wet vacuum is useful if a large quantity of liquid was spilled. If spot has dried, saturate the tufts in the affected area with tap water (do not over wet). Allow to remain for about 1 minute and blot. If the spot is being removed using water, continue until the spot is completely removed. Blot dry and apply the paper towels and brick. If it is not completely removed go to the next step.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.
  • Remove as much of the stain as possible by blotting with a white paper towel, then neutralize with an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon of clear household ammonia to 1/2 cup of water.). Saturate spot with the ammonia solution using a spray bottle. Do not wet backing. Blot with a white paper towel to remove excess moisture. All solutions for removing blood must be cool.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.
  • Spread brown paper (such as grocery bag) or a terry cloth towel over the area and iron with the setting on warm." The wax will be absorbed into the paper or towel.
  • Remove any traces with alcohol or dry cleaning fluid.
  • Remove as much of the candy as possible by blotting with a white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.
  • Freeze the gum using an ice cube.
  • Shatter the frozen gum with a knife handle and vacuum. Some citrus based products such as De-Solv-It® or Orange-Sol® have been demonstrated to break down the stickiness of gum so that it can be removed.

Photo credit by Jeff Spies
  • Blot up as much of the spill as is possible. A wet vacuum is useful if a large quantity of liquid was spilled.
  • If spot has dried, saturate the tufts in the affected area with tap water (do not over wet). Allow to remain for about 1 minute and blot. If the spot is being removed using water, continue until the spot is completely removed. Blot dry and apply the paper towels and brick. If the stain is not completely removed, continue.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.
  • Remove as much of the stain as possible by blotting with white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife, then neutralize with an ammonia solution (1 tablespoon of clear household ammonia to 1/2 cup of water). Saturate spot with ammonia solution using spray bottle. Do not wet backing. Blot with a white paper towel to remove excess moisture. All solutions for removing chocolate must be cool.
  • Remove as much of the spill as possible by blotting with a white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.
  • Blot with a white paper towel to remove as much of the stain as possible then neutralize with the white vinegar solution (1/3 cup WHITE vinegar to 2/3 cup of water). Saturate spot with white vinegar solution, using a spray bottle and blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture.
  • Spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with a brick.
  • Remove as much of the crayon as possible by blotting with a white paper towel or scraping with a dull knife.
  • Apply isopropyl rubbing alcohol to a clean white cloth, white paper towel or cotton ball. If the spot extends deep into the pile use a blotting motion until the spot is removed or no color is transferred to the cloth. Do not allow the alcohol to penetrate into the backing as this will destroy the latex bond. If the spot is on the surface only, rub in one direction at a time. Never us a circular motion to remove spot as this may destroy the texture. Stop if spot is removed. If not, go to the next step.
  • Apply a small quantity of detergent solution to the spot. (To make the detergent solution mix 1/4 teaspoon of a hand dish washing detergent which does not contain lanolin or bleach with 1 quart of water; examples of safe detergents are Dawn® and Joy®.) Use a blotting motion to work the detergent into the affected area. If spot is being removed continue applying detergent and blotting with a white paper towel until spot is removed.
  • Rinse with tap water using a spray bottle, blot to remove excess moisture, spray lightly with water, do not blot this time; apply pad of paper towels and a brick and allow to dry.
  • If there is still some stain on the carpet and blotting is not removing it, then moisten the tufts in the stained area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let stand for on (1) hour. Blot and repeat until carpet is stain free. Light will cause peroxide to change back to water so no rinsing is necessary. Apply pad of paper towels and weight down with brick.   

Photo credit by Dong Jun

Use these steps for all the stains listed.
1. Remove excess soil promptly by blotting or scraping with a dull edge first.
2. Apply cleaning materials directly to stain in order listed under numbered steps. Test for 10 seconds and blot in an inconspicuous spot before using a solvent or cleaning materials.
3. Do not rub stain; always blot with clean absorbent white cloth.
4. Avoid getting carpet too wet.
5. When dry, gently brush to restore pile.
6. Some stains are very hard to remove. You may need to repeat process two or more times. Some stains are permanent and cannot be removed.
I have done some research and mentioned the products that are available in your country for cleaning such things as in some cases, soapy water is not enough. Lemon juice will remove most stains but it must be tested on a small area that would not be seen as it can not only remove the stain but also the colour dye in the carpet too so please be very careful.
Happy Cleaning!


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