Orphans need our help today!

Transforming life’s through education.
2e, Barracks Road Murray Town Freetown
                                                  Sierra Leone West Africa -mobile: +232-76-777-809
   Email: rescuepikin@gmail.com
Rescue Children Sierra Leone, in West Africa desperately needs all our help. 

We have put out many appeals for help for this organisation over recent months one way or other. We have done this to secure the purchase of much needed rice and other staple food items to feed the ever increasing numbers of orphaned children that have been left in the wake of the Ebola Crisis in the rural provinces there.  

Sadly to date, our pleas and cries for help have gone totally unheard.

Small organisations such as this one that cares for the orphaned children are being ignored by the outside world completely.

The large organisations and charities do not make it into the small villages where small Christian based organisations such as Rescue Children Sierra Leone, operate. 

They are well and truly standing alone and trying so desperately to make a difference and keep the now hundreds of starving orphaned children alive.

We have put our plea to several of the large world charity organisations, but they remain adamant in not extending help to the far outreaches where help is so desperately needed to save these children, simply because these tiny organisations that are on the ground doing such good works, are not big enough, or well-known enough. They don’t possess glamorous office complexes or great impressive city towers to show off their great wealth, power  and success. 

Most of these small Christian based organisations work out of small mud huts with dirt floors, no air conditioning, no windows and doors in most cases, no running water  or electricity and because they are not to the high society level of the large organisations they are literally shunned and denied the help that they so desperately need.

This attitude is an atrocity at a global level.

Christmas is literally right around the corner, just a little over 3 days away and we are making one final plea before Christmas day in hopes that someone, somewhere will come forward and donate to this organisation and help them to feed and care for the now starving and dying children in the remote areas of Sierra Leone, West Africa.

These small organisations are still battling the Ebola Crisis in a massive way. 

Just because the media has stopped broadcasting to the world about the virus, does not mean it has gone away. It most certainly has not gone away, and people are still dying in their hundreds each and every week. Many have left young children behind to try and fend for themselves. Some children have lost entire extended families. Richard and his team travel out to the remote villages and are continuously confronted with young children sitting by the decaying bodies of their parents and older siblings, not knowing what to do, where to go and totally in shock. Many die before Richard and his devoted team can reach them. 

These are the facts that the media and especially the large charity organisations never show us, or tell us about. 

This is the real situation that is kept hidden from public knowledge because otherwise people would be asking questions like we did such as; 

Where all the billions and billions of dollars that are collected by the large charity organisations going?
Why are the problems still happening?
Why are innocent children and babies being allowed to starve to death?

Small organisations like Rescue Children Sierra Leone desperately need our help to save these children, more now than ever before. They have been pleading as we have to the major organisations for a little funding to buy sanitizing products to protect against the Ebola Virus and food to feed the children left in the wake of this shocking viral outbreak.

Each one of us can make a real and huge difference and help save an innocent child’s life by simply donating just something as small as a bar of Dettol Soap, or a bag of rice that can feed a group of children and survivors of the virus. Whole villages are cut off from the outside world, unable to access food or medical supplies. In many places almost entire villages have been wiped out with the decaying bodies left where they fell. Please tell me that this does not affect you in some small way?
We understand that people are not so willing today to donate money, in light of the terrorist groups and such, but if people could see themselves to donating any of the much needed items below then that would be an enormous help to these people working so hard to save the lives of the children:

Bars of Dettol Soap
Bottles of Hand sanitisers
Protective Face masks
Rubber gloves
Plastic Drinking cups
Wash bowls
Children’s clothing
Grains – wheat, barley etc.
Milk Powder
Dried Vegetables
Dried Fruits
Dried Meat Products – Jerky, camp rations etc.
Powdered eggs
Tinned goods
In fact - Any non-perishable foods at all.

Due to a robbery some months ago, this organisation is also in desperate need for a laptop or computer. It does not have to be new as long as it is in good working order. Does anyone have a spare laptop that they no longer use or need that they could send to this organisation at all? They are in desperate need of one. It does not have to be brand new, just as long as it works well.

Please, if anyone is planning on sending food items make sure that you check with your local Customs Department or Postal Service to make sure that what you will be sending is allowed to be sent to Wets Africa. We do not want anyone getting into trouble for sending things which are not allowed. We are fairly certain that all items are permitted but it never hurts to check as laws do change from time to time without notice.

Organisations such as this do not have access to funding as the world wide organisations do. They struggle through unimaginable situations and exist solely on the generosity of people like us. As time has gone by though, this generosity has long since dried up and further compounded by the large organisations fund raising campaigns that will not see a single cent reach the ones that are isolated.

Whatever funding is left after it goes through branches in several countries (one organisation here in Australia ships the funds collected through two other countries, that is three branch offices in total that all take their slice of that wonderful pie and that is before it even reaches the shores of West Africa). What is left is reported to remain in the city centers and distributed only within a short distance outside the cities there.

Our lobbying to get help to the outer laying communities and the small organisations that work them, either got totally ignored or a flat refusal to help the small organisations out at all because they are not at the same level as the large players are.

A full bag of rice will feed 75 people in 10 small villages across the county of Bombalie in Sierra Leone, as shown in the chart below. These costs given there  are in Sierra Leone dollars and the Grand total equates to approximately $5,000 US, which is not a massive amount of money in the grand scale of things now is it. But to this organisation, that so desperately needs to raise this amount of money, it might as well be 5 billion dollars.

Number of target beneficiaries
Unit cost
Sierra Leone Dollars
Cost in Sierra Leone Dollars
Full bag of rice
75  people in 10 villages
Bombalie District
Hiring of vehicles for rice distributions
 75 people in 10 villages
Bombalie District
2 days
Chlorine bags for wash hands
75 people in 10 villages
Bombalie District
5 bags
Dettol soap for hand wash
75 people in 10 villages
Bombalie District
Purchase of a new laptop for Director

Grand total

Twenty Two Million nine hundred & fifty thousand Leones (22,950,000) in dollars is approximately $5,000 in U.S. currency
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.
Mr. Richard F. Marah
Executive Director
Rescue Children Sierra Leone

If anyone can spare even just a dollar or two, then collectively this will begin to make a huge difference and allow Richard and his team to continue caring for and feeding the starving orphans in the more remote villages. Time began running out for these little angels months ago.

If you prefer not to give a monetary donation then I plead with you in this season of giving, that you donate a bar of Dettol soap or any one or more of the items listed above that they are in such desperate need for.

Here is the organisations contact details once again:
Mr. Richard F. Marah
Executive Director
Rescue Children Sierra Leone
2e, Barracks Road Murray Town
Sierra Leone
West Africa

Mobile: +232-76-777-809
Email: rescuepikin@gmail.com

All donated items can be sent to this address.
Richard welcomes anyone that wishes to call him and discuss the situation in Sierra Leone to do so. He is a warm and caring person with a heart of gold and a deep desire to do what others are failing to do – help the orphans and those devastated by the Ebola Outbreak.

I would like to add here please that if you do wish to call that you please be patient as the phone and internet services in West Africa and especially in the remote areas of Sierra Leone are very patchy at best. They are not a westernised country and still very much a third world developing country without even the basic conveniences that we take for granted.

If you would like to send a financial contribution, then please feel free to email Richard for the details to make this happen.

Please remember that we are working to save innocent children’s lives here. Any sanitation products donated (i.e. Dettol soap and sanitisers etc.), will greatly help the team to not only protect themselves from the Ebola virus, but will also be given to village families so that they can continue to protect themselves and their families from the virus also. This will go such a long way towards breaking the spread of this most horrendous crisis.

Please remember that tiny organisations such as “Rescue Children Sierra Leone” are not supported financially by any government. Nor are they supported in any way by the large worldwide organisations either.  They are left on the outside to fend for themselves and this is why they need our help today.

They exist and work in the most horrendous and appalling conditions imaginable, with no resources. No fancy air-conditioned office to work out of and constantly putting themselves in harm’s way to rescue the orphaned children from extremely infected areas. They do what they can to help the villagers they come into contact with on their rounds.

These organisations have no resources whatsoever; the staff are not paid for the work that they do. They are all volunteers, trying desperately to make a difference and save the lives of all the orphaned children in the outlying villages. Those that have outside jobs earn around $1 a day, which most give a portion of this to the organisations that they work voluntarily for just so as to allow some rice at least can be purchased.

These children have had their parents taken from them by the Ebola Virus. They are then left alone in an extremely hostile environment to fend for themselves.

It is our hope that the true spirit of Christmas will not only shine through, but bring many people forward and help to make a difference this Christmas season by even the smallest donation of either food, sanitary supplies, clothing or a little money.

Please do what you can to help this organisation save these children.

On a closing note from Richard himself:
Each person that donates to Rescue Children Sierra Leone through this Christmas Season Appeal, whether it is a small financial contribution or a donation of a much needed item listed above, I, the Executive Director of Rescue Children Sierra Leone, Mr. Richard F. Marah will supply each and every donor with photos and reports as to exactly how their generous donation was distributed and used.

Thank you for your consideration of our plight, and please give as generously as you can.

Mr. Richard F. Marah

© KB Barnes


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