Christmas Wishes For 2014 and Welcoming in the New Year of 2015

Christmas Wishes For 2014 and welcoming in the New Year of 2015
I wanted to share with you some of the beautiful Christmas messages I have received.

May the good Lord bless you one and all, and always keep you safe.

May heaven's light shine upon all that you do.

May happiness, health and prosperity come your way and Love fill your hearts to overflowing throughout 2015 and beyond.

May you all feel God's presence in the candles, that softly spread their glow at Christmas and may you experience the wonder of His abiding love, as He guides you, through each day of the coming year. 

May your heart be lifted in praise this Christmas for the wonderful gift of Jesus and the joy He brings to our lives?

May God's Blessings be with you? At Christmas and New Year!

I wish you a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

A special Christmas pic for my truck driving husband who is out driving his  truck this Christmas night

Here is a little Christmas bonus - a 2015 calendar.

Christmas is almost over for those of us in the Southern hemisphere as those in the North are starting to rise for the new day as children awake eagerly wanting to see what Santa brought them.

For those in the south, I hope that your day has been filled with joy and happiness throughout the day. The children will all now tired from playing with their new toys that Santa brought them overnight.

If you are travelling home from visiting with family and friends please take care on the roads this evening and arrive home or onwards to your holiday destinations safely. I hear that the freeways are very busy.

For my Northern Hemisphere reader’s I wish to welcome you into your Christmas morning. May your day be filled with happiness and joy spent with family and friends.  If you are travelling today, then please take extra special care especially in those areas where there is snow and ice.

Christmas is often the only time of the year that some family members can make it home for the holidays. It can be a time of great joy but also of great sadness for those that were not able to make home this year.

Please spare a thought today for those that can no longer spend Christmas with their families.

For the Service men and women that are deployed overseas in a foreign land. We thank you for your service and your dedication to protecting us all from harm and giving us the freedom to be able to celebrate Christmas.

For the homeless who do not have a home or family to go to.

For the patients that are in nursing homes who may no longer have family to visit with them on this special day.

For all the emergency staff working in hospitals and the fire crews, police and paramedics that are on call and working the streets to keep us all safe on this festive day.

Please also remember the orphans and those in foreign lands that are too impoverished to have a Christmas.

For those that do not celebrate Christmas, I hope that you have had  or will have depending on your location, a very pleasant and enjoyable day.

May we all, regardless of our own beliefs, keep safe and healthy so that we may all get to see the New Year in.

May 2015 bring you happiness and prosperity to all.


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