The Beginning of an Exciting New Era

The Beginning of an Exciting New Era
The fog sees in the dawning of a New Day

From time to time we tend to outgrow things in our lives, be it our favourite pair of Levi jeans or flannel shirt and there comes a time for us to renew these things in our lives. Sometimes we even end up replacing them altogether and so it is too with the bigger things in our lives like people we regarded as friends who drift away from what our ideals once used to be, or it could just be time to move out of our home town for a while or we outgrow our homes and need to make some necessary changes.

Change is not always an easy thing to do and for some it can be exceedingly traumatic and therefore the change needs to be a gradual one.

This new blog has come about out of a new need. A need to reach out to people that need a helping hand and to those that are seeking the knowledge to learn a better way of life, a simpler way of life and one that is positive and productive for them.

Over the years I have had so many people asking me why I do what I do and what inspired me to do it. So many people have told me that I need to be sharing this knowledge so that others can in turn learn and then pass onto their children these skills.

So as I step forward myself, and continue with a commitment that I have made, I am hoping that from time to time I can share the results and outcomes here with others.

We have now started a Not For Profit Incorporated Association and fully Registered Charity for the purpose of building a very special “Academy” to help underprivileged and disadvantaged adults and homeless people in our communities that are struggling to get from one day to the next.

Well maybe not quite this far.

We have come a long way since 2001 (13 years ago now), when this was no more than a dream of two people half a world apart. A dream to create and build a place where those that had nothing could come and learn to live a better way of life, get off the streets and learn how they themselves can once again be productive and useful within their own communities. This is a place where people are not judged or condemned but rather given the chance to do something for themselves, to help themselves and to learn to be independent once again.

As we progress on our Mission to do this. I hope that people will follow our progress, our trials and our joys, albeit very slow at the moment, as we begin a new and very exciting chapter in our lives. A chapter where we will collectively be able to make a really positive difference by helping other people change their “own” lives for the better while giving them hope and encouragement as well as a place to live and grow as they learn the new skills they will need for their future.

During our journey through all the required red tape, I hope to be able to post here from time to time, examples of what we will be teaching and links etc. to articles that may be of help or just interest to some of my loyal readers, to whom I am so grateful for right at this particular place in time.

More and more people are becoming Homeless

Times are becoming increasingly difficult for the average person these days as more and more jobs are lost and the cost of living continues to increase at an ever alarming rate. We do not profess to have all the answers but we have a few to get folks started on a better road if they are willing to make an effort to Learn a different way of life. For some, it will mean a complete turnaround from what they have been used too, for others it will become like a dream come true. So many people want to make life better for themselves but they just do not know how to go about it or even where to start. This is where our “Academy” will step in to help.

Simple Art of baking a loaf of bread
The blog here will allow us to continue sharing what we have learned throughout the years so that others can begin their journey now too, no matter where they live.

The hardest part that we have found of making any new journey is that very first step but then as we step forward more and more those steps all become so much easier and we lose that initial fear we first had. Our travelling all becomes much easier and more enjoyable at the same time.

Learn To Fish

Our motto is this: “Give a man a fish, and he can feed himself for a day – but teach that man “how” to fish and he can feed himself for a lifetime”.
This saying was coined by Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919) in her novel, Mrs. Dymond (1885):

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

The Time is always right to do what is right.

The time has come for us to step out of our comfort zones and help our fellow man. A person that has nothing is so often the person that has the most to give. We need to hold doors open and welcome people in so that they can learn rather than closing the doors on people in need.

Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling.

They don’t want handouts – they want practical help so they can get out of the ruts that they find themselves in. The people that come to the Academy when it is built will learn practical skills that will help them turn their lives around. If anyone would like to come on board as a guest writer on the blog site here, then please contact me. The more genuine people we can get to share their knowledge and experiences, then the more people we can reach and help. Let’s start changing lives now – who knows, it might just be your life that changes for the better too. I would like to see this blog be as interactive as possible because this is how people learn - from other people’s experiences and knowledge, and therefore I welcome your thoughts, your ideas, your dreams and your comments in the “Comments” section at the bottom of the page.

KB - Founder


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