Preserving Basil by Freezing in Olive Oil

Freeze Basil In Olive Oil 
Photo Credit Marni Molina
Basil that is frozen in olive oil retains its flavour and aroma better than basil which has been dried.

Gather your fresh basil, wash and gently pat dry.  Carefully remove all the leaves from the stems.

Place leaves in blender with a little olive oil. Just enough to allow the blender to chop the basil.

If the basil doesn't chop and blend well with the olive oil, add a little more olive oil, but only a small amount each time. You want a predominance of basil and just enough oil.

Freeze the chopped basil and olive oil in plastic ice cube trays or in very small freezer containers.

After the basil cubes are frozen, place them into sealable bags and return to the freezer.

To use just take out what you need for your recipe and leave the rest frozen for next time.

This is a very economical way to store fresh basil for up to 4 months in the freezer.

©KB Barnes


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